Tuesday, March 14, 2006

if i was president

if i was president....if i was president

hmmm.....some countries actually have VISION
some countries would accept a WOMAN president

some countries......

hmmm, i wouldn't mind being president.....and i wouldn't mind being pregnant while in office
now that would be interesting.....a pregnant president
yeah that might be a scary thought for some men .....perhaps thinking a pregnant president is a weaker president. i say "hell no". i wouldn't be a "post turtle" either.


Matt said...

I can't wait for the day when we have more women leading our country, in every aspect of society. We suffer from a severe testosterone overdose.

Matt said...

Will you be doing weekly Saturday morning poetry readings as President?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I wish more people were as open-minded as you. Furthermore, I would do weekly Saturday poetry readings! Your comment made me think about the Kennedys when they were in the White House. Jackie did a great deal to promote culture during her husband administration. The Kennedys weren't perfect but they did elevate the country in various ways especially when it came to the arts/culture. Something this current administration isn't doing. It isn't furthering the arts...education.....social justice...equality....etc. War is all that matters to this current administration. Screw the American citizens...let them fend for themselves. The hypocrisy of this administration is so nauseating.